Unlocking the Power of Progress: Delving into the 2nd Pillar of AHS Triumph

AHS operator training has consistently held a prime position on the checklist for any new AHS deployment – and rightfully so. Ensuring comprehensive and uniform operator training is paramount, followed by a consolidation period to solidify newly acquired skills. With initial AHS deployments typically featuring only a handful of autonomous trucks, a key challenge has been how to efficiently train a large number of staff while ensuring adequate operating hours for skill refinement.

While AHS systems are generally straightforward to learn in terms of safety functions and basic usability, achieving peak performance from autonomous trucks demands more than just initial safety training. It necessitates a robust, long-term operator AHS performance program integrated into daily operations.

Now while the initial AHS safety training is of paramount importance to the safe operation of the mine it will not provide users of the autonomous systems the skills, they will need to be able extract maximum performance from the autonomous trucks.

But for an operations team to really achieve the highs required there will need to be a thorough long-term operator AHS performance programs developed and embedded as part of normal operations. This not only needs to develop and refine the skills and knowledge of the key roles that operate in the AHS pit:

- AHS Shovel Operator

- AHS Pit patrollers

- AHS Controllers

- AHS Pit supervisors

All traditional roles that still operate in the AHS pit will also need to be coached to better adapt and interact more efficiently in the autonomous pit.

Having optimised AHS fleets for decades, Absolute Autonomous recognizes that AHS performance is a collective effort requiring a shared goal and direction among all site personnel. Equally crucial is the implementation of an advanced, comprehensive training program.

Drawing on our extensive AHS expertise, we've developed an advanced AHS performance optimization portal and mobile applications, propelling our customers to new heights in operator performance.

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Unlock the final frontier of AHS excellence with the 3rd Pillar of Absolute Autonomous's proven success program.


Revolutionising autonomous production begins with the 1st Pillar – where success in Autonomous Haulage Systems takes its first exhilarating leap.