Unlock the final frontier of AHS excellence with the 3rd Pillar of Absolute Autonomous's proven success program.

This is the final pillar of Absolute Autonomous’s proven success program for AHS performance improvements. Culture at a mine site is something that is very difficult for the unfamiliar person to gauge and quantify. The best place to be when trying to gauge and understand a mine site's culture is at the coal face, or in the thick of it with the operations teams. This is where Absolute Autonomous shines; all our consultants are very comfortable working right in the thick of the primary AHS production phase of a mining operations, and interact with these teams on a daily basis, this is where we can get a good grasp of how a mine site’s culture feels and it’s attitude to AHS, productivity, safety and continuous improvement. This will have a very big bearing on how well AHS will be utilised and improved over the coming AHS journey.

The working culture at a mine site is of utmost importance and interlinked with the success and performance of autonomous operations.

Changing a workplace culture is a long and continuous objective, but it can be done, and we have experience in living and breathing cultural improvements at a mining operation. The three-pillar approach Absolute Autonomous has created inherently focuses on improving workplace culture at a mine site in every step. By creating targeted work practices that are repeatable and quantifiable, having them supported by key performance metrics that are relevant, achievable and reviewable. Good workplace culture begins with good structure, focus on role responsibilities and teamwork. Now culture isn’t going to be improved greatly over a short period of time, but by implementing aspects from our other two pillars of success bit by bit workplace culture will begin to turn around and will soon be hitting targets and then wanting more.

Now operations teams can’t do it all by themselves and need proactive, involved leadership to guide, nurture and review and adjust the improvement culture. We find workplace culture the most challenging aspect of our pillars of success to implement and imbed, but we also see and feel the cultural improvements and notice the teams attitude changing and improving as they begin to understand their role and what is required from them to make a bigger daily contribution to autonomous truck performance. Once there are some good solid expectations that are quantifiable and repeatable, teams will begin to develop their own continuous improvement initiatives, once this begins to happen the sky's the limit for autonomous operations. Absolute Autonomous is very knowledgeable about what good AHS workplace culture looks and feels like, all our improvement initiatives and applications are focused at playing a big part in that workplace culture improvement.

The first step towards ultimate AHS success is to contact us here at Absolute Autonomous and we can discuss our proven methods in much more depth and detail and look at conducting a mine site visit, review and report to provide a platform to begin building a program to continue AHS safety and performance improvement.

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Unlocking the Power of Progress: Delving into the 2nd Pillar of AHS Triumph